Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Bee report

The latin name for a bee is Apis. It is a insect.
Bee's sometimes live on farm's or a hive. Bees live in New Zealand bees live in a hexagon and is called a cell.
Bees have black and yellow stripes. A bees tongue is called proboscis. It is used to suck nectar from the flowers.  Bees have two antennae and bees have 4 wings.  Bees have honey tummies.  Bees have a stinger on its bottom.  Bees have six legs.  Bees have stripes to warn predators that they are poisonous.
They only make 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey in their lifetime.  Bees make honey for heaps of reasons.  Bees are special because they make honey for us.  Bees do a waggle dance to communicate.  Bees fly flower to flower.
We can help by not killing them because they are special.  We need to look after flowers and plant more.