Friday, 17 March 2017


 Mud Life by Shantelle
I slipped and slid down the gray path way. The sticky mud was eating my nice clean shoes. I tiptoed my way down with the help of a stick.

My skin shivered. I slowly jumped off the ugly log. My feet slipped on the leaves and got stuck in the mud. Silently I wondered why I was here.

The old tree branches whined as the angry wind blew them away. The strength in my  legs was not powerful like it normally is. The damaged stick was unhappily stuck in the dirt.

Mud, mud, mud!  All I ever see is sticky mud! Mud is the  colour of chocolate.   File:Mud closeup.jpg         

Friday, 10 March 2017

BIKING by Shantelle

                                                         BIKING BY SHANTELLE

First day I learnt if you more than two fingers under your helmet you have to tighten it.You have to bike in a straight line or you will crash. We learnt a game it is called box, the year 6 or the year 5 stand on the outside and the people on there bikes go as they can around in a circle, when somebody touches the ground they are out so go slow. Second day, at the start we played box and then we learnt to use our breaks we road up into the cones then we did a tortoise race so everybody has to go slow. Whoever was first  was last whoever was last was first. Third day we learnt to bike with one hand it is actually good to learn to bike with one hand so your hand is your incarcerate and your hand is your stop sign as well.